Reasons of Divorce In USA / American: 
In 20th century, I personally saw many divorces and Many sources confirmed that ratio of divorce is increasing day by day in United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other countries. There are many reasons of divorces which I asked to divorced men and women. I personally asked same questions to different lawyers and different judges of court and they told me too many reasons but In this article I'll share main reasons of divorces and how to avoid divorce. Following two headings will explain you main reasons of divorces and how to happy living after marriage.
What did Men Tell and Reported About Their Divorce:
This heading belongs to why men give divorce to their wives and what are the main reasons of their breakup. Men usually do jobs & business to run their homes and they try their best to earn money for their wives, children and also for their old age parents but they only want love and respect from their wives but if their wives don't follow rules which they made so they feel sad and like a lunatic person them self. Example: If a man comes to home after his 8 hours job and he asks dinner to his wife and if her wife deny to prepare dinner or if she shouted on him then man can abuse her wife, a man can slap his wife or a man can give her a divorce if his day was not good at office / business place. Men don't like to involve friends and family of their wives in their future planing, business, job and in any matter of their life but mostly women love to follow rules of their blood relationship like women follow rules of their own mother and maximum time women ignore their husband and then in any case a man can give her divorce if he get negative results by that decision which she made by following orders of her mother or brother or father or sister. A Common man don't bear another man with his wife but mostly women don't think this thing and they go to the parties or dancing club with their friends circle and there a woman can drink alcoholic drinks or take drugs with other males so it can be reason for unexpected relationship or romance with her so that's why man don't like to bear
another man in friends circle of his wife. A man don't want his wife to wear half naked clothes in public but mostly women don't like to wear full clothes even they don't like to wear full clothes in normal weather. A man don't want to see his wife on adult social media websites even they don't want to see big friend list of his wife on Facebook but mostly women don't understand that men know that Facebook, twitter or other social media website / messengers is a place of flirting where many single and teenagers try to misguide married / unmarried females and even people use to send their uncensored pics to females that's why they don't like it and they don't tell these things to their wives but women should understand and they should know these things. Men don't like argument from their wives but mostly women love to do argument with their husbands. Men don't like to demands of shopping, outing and picnic from their wives again and again because they always think about future and they always take tension for their kid's education, health and clothes but mostly women
always demand for shopping, outing or picnic. A man wants a wife to use proper money management plan for his family but usually women always want to spend money for useless things like they love to watch movies in cinema all the time and they want to go dancing bar or in comedy circus. A man don't like his wife when she doesn't take care of parents of his husband but mostly women don't take care of their father in law and their mother in law. A man can be disturb after the job or arrival from business place so sometime he doesn't want to listen anything from anyone so women should understand and know that condition. Women shouldn't share any tension with his husband
immediately, women should wait for his dinner and should wait until her man get refreshment and then she should share any kind of tension with him.
Read What People Said About Divorce When I Asked Same Questions In American Facebook Group:
- Steven Tuohey From Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania Says:
- Briana Powell From Salisbury, Maryland Says: Divorce is more common than anything with ppl Under 40
My mom had been married 3 times and it's been due to abuse Or cheating It getting abused for cheating.
- Toshi Watada From Bryant, Arkansas says: Well divorce is brought up when it has been made an option by one or both parties. In my situation she claimed to be mine but ran off to another man with my kids and carrying on an affair for nearly a year pushed me to find comfort else where and give up on my marriage.
- Alex Uribe from Bushnell, Florida says: Honestly I from what I've experienced with my family and being out on my own, to many people are too afraid to be alone, and therefore rush into marriages. Now being military I know people that rushed into marriage to get out of the barracks and for the extra money and not even 3 months later they're filing for divorce, not saying that every marriage is like that but enough Is to become a statistic, we need to slow down breathe and actually look at what we are doing.
- Lucas Guffey Edwards from Anderson, Indiana says: Cheating ,lieing, unfaithful,abusive,kindness for weakness.
- Leo Garcia from Meridian, Mississippi says: Cheating, loss of interest. Main ones I see.
- Elmo Phil from Keyes, California says: Not taking care of the kids bad sex lot of different reasons I mean there's a lot money situation living the schooling life itself.
- A.d. Johnson from Rogers, Arkansas says: been divorced over 7 yrs now she cheated on me with more then one person.
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